Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Don't make these 5 mistakes on your LinkedIn profile

Every detail matters -- from your profile photo to those lengthy details about your past experiences.

You've managed to locate your dream job and your qualifications perfectly match the job description. But how do you make sure you stand out to recruiters who are sifting through hundreds of profiles trying to find a suitable candidate?
We list out some of the things recruiters look for in a LinkedIn profile:

Facebook and Instagram photos won't work as your professional profile pic, let's be clear on that! Also, be careful not to have anything too cheesy, sultry or flirty. Make sure it's also recent. If you have 30 years of experience and a picture taken just after high school, then people will notice! Remember that your photo is a first impression.

A clear job title:
We have seen all sorts of job titles, from "visionary leader" to "business winner" neither of which explain what is it that you do. Have a clean and descriptive job title that says what it is you do in a simple and clear fashion. This will also help you come up in searches, and for recruiters to accurately pinpoint you for a suitable job.

After your picture and title, recruiters usually scroll down to read through the specifics of your previous and current positions. Always complete this section, there are many profiles where candidates just write their job titles and nothing else. Recruiters usually want to see the specifics, such as responsibilities and achievements. Not only that, but they also like to read a detailed personal summary that gives them further insights into your thoughts, opinions and passions at work, matters that genuinely make you stand out.

Recommendations and groups:
Show off your good work! Recommendations are an obvious endorsement of this. Personally speaking, recruiters always pay attention to a detailed recommendation, not a one-liner, but a good paragraph from a credible source. Not only that, but they also look at the groups and organisations you like and follow. Why? Well, this again gives them an insight into who you are, what you like and what your ambitions are.

New opportunities:
Lastly and perhaps most importantly, if you want to get noticed, then flick on your open to new opportunities switch! This along with all the above will give you the complete profile and ensure the approaches you make are (hopefully) in line with your career expectations.

source http://www.khaleejtimes.com/nation/dubai/dont-make-these-5-mistakes-on-your-linkedin-profile

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